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Cornell University

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions are generated from the users of the system and will sometimes change as needed.

Who can log in to Scheduling@Cornell?

  • Any member of the Cornell community with a valid NetID is now able to log into the University's Scheduling tool.
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How do you authenticate into Scheduling@Cornell?

  • Scheduling@Cornell uses a single-sign-on and requires you to log into CU Web Login.
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Is Scheduling@Cornell a browser-based tool?

How do you log in to Scheduling@Cornell?

How do you cancel a request in Scheduling@Cornell?

  • After an event request has been submitted, you will need to speak with the Location Scheduler.  Following the instructions in the Editing Your Event how-to.
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How do you fix the problem of seeing old data when using Scheduling@Cornell?

  • There are many ways to "refresh" Scheduling@Cornell.  Scheduling@Cornell offers many ways of refreshing data while logged into the tool.

    • At the top of each section header, there is a refresh icon, which resembles an arrow going around a circle.  Remember to select the refresh icon for each section you are reviewing; there might be two or more refresh section icons displayed on one page.
  • When you're done using web sites that require Cornell authentication, clear your credentials by closing ALL your browser windows and exiting your browser.
  • Cached information can help websites load faster, but it can also prevent you from seeing the most up-to-date version of a webpage; in some cases, it can also cause the webpage to load improperly or fail to load at all. You can clear the cache in all popular browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, and Safari.
    • Google Chrome Desktop
      1. Open Google Chrome, which resembles a red, yellow, green, and blue sphere.
      2. Select the menu icon. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear.
      3. Select More Tools. This option is near the bottom of the drop-down menu. Selecting it prompts a pop-out menu to appear.
      4. Select Clear browsing data. It's in the pop-out menu. Doing so opens a window with data-clearing options.
      5. Select a time range. Select the Time range box, then select All time in the drop-down menu to ensure that all cached images and files are cleared.
        1. You can also select a different option (e.g., Last hour) if you like.
      6. Check the Cached images and files box. It's in the middle of the window.
        1. If this box is already checked, skip this step.
        2. You can uncheck every other box on this page if you're only trying to clear the cache.
      7. Select Clear Data.  This blue button is in the bottom-right corner of the window. Doing so clears Google Chrome's cache.
    • Google Chrome on Mobile
      1. Select the Chrome app icon, which resembles a red, yellow, green, and blue sphere icon.
      2. Select the menu icon. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear.
      3. Select History. This option is in the drop-down menu.
      4. Select Clear Browsing Data.  It's in the lower-left corner of the screen.
        1. On Android, this option is near the top of the screen.
      5. Select Cached Images and Files to select the option. You should see a blue checkmark appear next to it.
        1. If there's already a blue checkmark next to this option, skip this step.
        2. You can uncheck every other box on this page if you're only trying to clear the cache.
      6. Select Clear Browsing Data. It's at the bottom of the screen.
        1. On Android, select CLEAR DATA here.
      7. Select Clear Browsing Data when prompted.  Doing so will clear the cache for Chrome.
        1. On Android, select CLEAR when prompted.
      8. Instructions with other browsers
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How do you enlarge text in Scheduling@Cornell?

  • If you have trouble seeing elements of this web application, please try some of the following adjustments. Enlarge text Android devices, iOS devices, and most modern desktop browsers allow you to enlarge text size. Please note that these changes may be lost when you open a new browser tab/window or re-open your browser.

    • To enlarge text on Android devices (Samsung, Google, etc.)
      • Tap the Settings icon
      • Tap the Display option and go to Advanced
      • In the Font section, tap the Font size option
      • In the new window, adjust the slider to your desired text size
    • To enlarge text on iOS devices (iPhones, iPads)
      • Open the Settings app
      • Search for Accessibility or go to General and then Accessibility
      • Tap to open the Larger Text menu item
      • Use the slider at the bottom to choose the desired text size, or turn on the Larger Accessibility Sizes to be able to choose even larger options
    • To enlarge text on most desktop web browsers
      • Most browsers will have options in the menu bar
      • Or, press "Ctrl +" on your PC keyboard
      • Or, press "Command +" on an Apple MacOS keyboard
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Where is the Availability Grid in Scheduling@Cornell?

How do I update or add a location in Scheduling@Cornell?

  • If you are responsible for maintaining and updating spaces in the Scheduling@Cornell scheduling system, the Location Add and Update Form will guide you through the steps to add new space or update an existing space in the Scheduling@Cornell system. 

    Note: If you are updating more than 3 locations, please email us to obtain a formatted spreadsheet used for bulk updating multiple locations.

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How do I contact Scheduling Support?