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Cornell University

Guidelines for the Event Request Process

Guidelines for the Event Request Process

A vibrant campus climate is an essential part of the university experience.  The Event Request Process assists event planners in connecting with university officials and other university partners to make their event planning experience efficient, painless, and successful. The Event Request Process encompasses university policies, state and federal laws, department and unit policies, and Scheduling policies and procedures. 

When a request is submitted in Scheduling@Cornell, you are required to answer a few event activity questions.  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have acknowledged that you will be having activities that require your event request to be reviewed.  Below is the Event Request Process and guidelines.  If you have any questions about this process, please email the University Events Team (UET), formerly EMPT.

Tip: Submitting incorrect or inaccurate information will delay your event request; be sure to include as many details as you can. 

Once your event request is submitted in Scheduling@Cornell, the Scheduler for the requested location receives and reviews the request.  Please allow up to 5 business days for the Scheduler to verify that the location(s) you are requesting is available, appropriate for the activities that you described, and determine whether you may use the location requested. If the location you requested is approved, the Scheduler will send the location confirmation. 

If there are no activities that require further review, your reservation is complete.  If you have any activities that require further review, your location will be held pending the review and approval of your event.

For reservations needing further review, the reservation confirmation processing times vary depending on the activities and nature of the event being planned. If you have questions about on-campus scheduling, please visit the Scheduling@Cornell website.  

Some events must be registered four (4) weeks prior to the start date, or the event will not be approved. Other events require two (2) weeks advance registration. If you're not sure whether your event should be registered, or are unclear about the deadlines, please feel free to write to us at [email protected], or call (607) 253-8368.

Upon submitting your event request form, your event activity information will be forwarded to the University Events Team (UET) and other university partners who are required to review your event. These reviewers will be able to see all the detailed information that you have entered into Scheduling@Cornell; therefore, it is important to include as many details as possible. If these reviewers have any comments and/or questions, they may contact you by email or phone (note: some offices review event activities in person only, and must-see accompanying materials, such as artwork, etc.). You will have access to view your event's status at all times, including the reviewer's comments and approval status. Information on how to access your event's status is included on the page Event Details in Scheduling@Cornell. Once your event has received all necessary approvals, you will be contacted via email. and your event request will be confirmed.