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Cornell University

Scheduling Tips - Copy Your Event Request Forms

Are you responsible for scheduling space for your club or group? 

Are you scheduling similar events each time? 

Want to make completing the Event Request Form a little easier?  

Great, follow these steps!

If you are creating and submitting similar events throughout the semester, create and submit one Event Request Form, and copy that Event Request Form for all other similar events.  

Instructions on how to copy an event

Benefits of doing this? It saves you time!  You don't have to retype all of your event details into the Event Request Form.
  1. When copying your event, all the information is copied to the new Event Request Form .  You might just need to update the fields that have changed; i.e., title, date, time, or location.  NOTE: if the location is not available at your new date and time, the location will say there is a conflict.
  2. The Event Activities are already filled in for you.  NOTE: You will want to make sure that this information is correct for the new event.